Pachet promo 3+1 GRATIS, Insecticid Tip Gel Impotriva Gandacilor, Doctor ROACH
- Description
Pachet promo – insecticid tip gel impotriva gandacilor, Doctor Roach 3+1 gratis
- Ideal impotriva gandacilor
- Forma/Textura Gel
- Tip produs Insecticid
- Se poate folosi atat in interior cat si in exterior, o siringa contine 30 g de substanta tip gel.
- Capacitate 30 g
- Culoare: Alb/Galben
- Proprietati Fara miros
7 reviews for Pachet promo 3+1 GRATIS, Insecticid Tip Gel Impotriva Gandacilor, Doctor ROACH
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